1943-Pvt Joseph C. Migliore in Class A uniform Graduating Class-690th Ordnance Ammunition Company, Geneva Ordnance Pvt Joe Migliore w/Rifle Stack in front of Barracks
Depot, Geneva, New York-July 1943
Joe enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1943. At the time he was employed by Ralph Jannetta, Inc., Roslyn, Queens, New York as an Equipment Operator, Form Setter for highway concrete and
Auto Mechanic Helper. His military training was accomplished at the Geneva Ordnance Depot, Geneva, New York. He was assigned to the 690th Ordnance Ammunition Company.
Class A Uniform Class B Uniform
The Company shipped out on 3 September 1943 aboard the Liberty Ship HR-489 for England. He arrived in the UK on 3 September 1943 and was assigned to Services of Supply on 12 September. The
Company was located at Kingham, Oxford, UK until movement to the Continent Joe and his Company were assigned to the 1st Army, 9th Infantry Division, 690th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm Howitzer).
PFC Migliore in fatigues and full field pack
Kingham, England
The Division landed at Normandy, France on 10 June 1944 and entered combat on 14 June. The Division fought campaigns in Northern France, including the Ardennes, Belgium and the Rhineland where the 690th
Ordnance Ammunition Company received the Rhineland Campaign Award. This was for the period 15 September 1944 to 21 March 1945 (Battle of the Bulge period).
Joe, third and Clint McElroy forth from left, middle row, taking a break amidst members of the 690th OAC
Joe and some of his War Buddies during breaks in the action
The known unit depots were at Bricquesville, France, 4 November 1944-Formigny, France, 9 February 1945-Cherbourg, France, 6 March 1945-Etain, France, 30 October 1945-Camp New York,
France, 17 November 1945-Camp Philip Morris, LeHavre, France (POE). 28 November-Embarked LeHavre aboard the ship James Barker.
On Furlough in Nice, France Joe holding a baseball bat with his First Sergeant and Company Clerk
For the last eight months of active service Joe was in the grade of Sergeant and assigned as an Ammunition NCO. His duties were to supervise requisition and distribution of Ammunition.
Also preparation of required forms incident to the requisition and distribution of ammunition. Keep inventory of ammo, supervise loading and unloading of ammunition trains, establishing
ammunition dumps, and supervising operations to protect it from the elements. Maintain sufficient supply so as to avert shortages, also salvage ammo left at battery positions because of
forward displacement.
During his service in Europe in WWII he sustained an ear injury, causing partial loss of hearing, when an ammunition dump or piece of ordnance was exploded before he could get clear.
Joe was separated on 16 November 1945 at Fort Dix, New Jersey.
Army Good Conduct Medal..........American Campaign Medal WW II..........Europe-Africa-Middle East Medal WW II..........Victory Medal World War II..........Combat Service Commemorative Medal
Meritorious Unit Citation Commemorative Medal..........American Defense Commemorative Medal..........VE Medal..........World War II Victory Commemorative Medal..........Overseas Service Commemorative
U.S. Army Commemorative Medal..........Marksmanship Badge (Rifle)
Cpl Joseph C. Migliore
690th Ammunition Company
The War years
From Clint McElroy
Clint McElroy with some 690th Buddies Clint with Whighty on His Left
Memories and Anecdotes
Clint McElroy - The only incident I can think of is during the battle of the Bulge we were shipping ammunition from a rail head on to 6x6 trucks, called the Red Ball Express, to the 8th army. That was the only time the company issued us live ammunition, for our rifles, during the whole war.
From Webmaster Ron Migliore
I would like to invite any members of the 690th Ammunition Company or their families who wish to share photos and/or anecdotes of the World War II years in Europe to contact me. I would be only too happy to add these to this page. I know of no other web site that honors the 690th.
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For comments or Corrections contact: reyargent66@gmail.com